Saturday, August 31, 2019

Environmental economics Essay

The market forces of demand and supply lead to equilibrium price and quantity that can be used to allocate sources effectively in many of the markets. At times they fail to deliver the best level of output for society. The government intervenes using various methods to correct market failure. This report details the six different types of market failure which can occur in the UK in addition to critically detailing how the government attempts to correct market failure. 2. Externalities According to Samuelson (1954) ‘Externalities create a divergence between the private and social costs of production’. Social costs are the production cost of a product or service including third party costs; in the event of a negative externality the social costs are much greater than private costs i. e. pollution. Externalities are external costs and benefits which arise during economic activity but which are not considered by the buyers and sellers involved as they effect third parties only. Ignoring external costs and benefits can lead to the wrong level of output in the market. Negative externalities, occasionally referred to as external costs, are the costs that separate social and private costs. They are the costs paid for by third parties, which is usually society as a whole. If negative externalities are left to the market mechanism it could lead to over production. Chivian and Bernstein (2008) concluded, ‘soft drinks in large quantities are unhealthy and could lead to medical problems’. This would increase the medical costs for the government, to tackle this issue they could tax soft drinks to discourage use in addition to elevating such charges from healthy drinks consequently providing a cheaper and healthier alternative. Consumers can create externalities by consuming certain goods or services. †¢Pollution from privately owned cars or taxis †¢Public damage caused by alcohol abuse †¢Litter on streets The UK government address these negative externalities through two primary functions; legislations and taxations. Pressure from environmentalist along with studies confirming the existence of global warming forced the UK government to introduce ‘Green taxation’. This includes an increase in petrol prices to discourage use of fuel reliant cars, increase in excise duty on alcohol as well as fines for perpetrators caught in the act of littering. Indirect taxes are used as a means of deterrence on products which could lead to market failure. They differ to specific taxes such as excise duty on tobacco as they are not fixed sum per unit. VAT is an indirect tax which raises cost of production. A pecuniary externality is a type of negative externality which relates to the economic activities rather than physical resources. Apple increased its market share from 25% to 36% in the mobile phone market while others have lost theirs; those suffering losses have incurred a pecuniary externality (Apple iphone market share, 2011). The key difference between pecuniary and real externality is while real externality ought to require compensation pecuniary should not. Positive externalities, if left to market mechanism, could under produce and would not reach level of output which is socially efficient. †¢Education system, government provides student finance to encourage higher education †¢Health service, government provides free health service By investing in human capital via promoting education and providing incentives to stay in education i. e. EMA, the government is assisting corporations through nurturing more educated individuals. This is essential in sustaining the country’s development. Positive externalities can also have negative effects; UK boasts one of the largest fast food market in the world, Britons spend average of ? 7 million a day on junk food, which contributed to UK being crowned as ‘the fattest country in Europe’ (Britain is Europe’s fattest nation, 2011). 3. Missing markets Missing markets transpires when there is a failure in the market to produce certain goods or offer services in spite of the level of demand. If conditions are not satisfied markets can struggle to exist and since it is unlikely they will ever form they are called ‘missing markets’. An example of this occurrence is the ‘pure public goods’ which provides to the population non-excludable and non-rival benefits. The free rider problem can be one of the causes which lead to missing markets; the term originates from the example of someone who doesn’t pay fares when using public transport. Everyone would want to use the product but would wait till someone else has paid for it which could lead to under-production or even non-production. For example, if an individual does not pay tax he can still use the roads or call the emergency services. Pure public goods and other markets with similar characteristics are unlikely to ever be considered as business opportunities by individuals or corporations given the impossibility of charging consumers at the point of consumption. Pure public good includes: street lights, national defence, police, fireworks display etc. All pure public goods have the following characteristics: †¢Non-rivalry: The consumption of the good by one person does not reduce the quantity available for others. The amount of usage does not correlate with the availability for example; a lighthouse’s light can be seen by more than one ship at any given time. †¢Non-excludable: If the good is provided for one anyone can use it, and they cannot be stopped from using it. Once a streetlight is erected it benefits all passers-by and there is no possible way of excluding someone. †¢Non-rejectable: The public cannot refuse the benefits or consequences of a pure public product. An individual cannot reject being defended by the armed forced of a country, nor can they reject the benefit of street lighting. To tackle the missing market failure the government may seize control of all operations relating to pure public goods and would then be responsible for meeting the demands of the people. In order to fund projects such as road building the government would raise taxes rather than charge individuals. The government introduces money making schemes such as congestion charges to raise funds for the transport system or charge private airlines landing fees at airports. In 2008, as a bid to attain ? 3 billion, an idea was proposed which would introduce congestion charge in Greater Manchester. 4. Information asymmetry Information asymmetry occurs when there is a lack of symmetry, or balance, between the knowledge of the buyer compared to that of the seller furthermore, the imbalance gets exploited which leads to a misallocation of resources. For instance, an unscrupulous dentist might tell his patient he needs lots of dental work done, when in reality not so much is required, just to create business. This can also be seen in lawyers, car mechanics, doctors etc. In the UK there are several laws which help the consumers and warrant them rights if a product is purchased or a service is used. The Trade Descriptions Act 1968 was introduced to prevent manufactures and retailers from misleading consumers by stating all products ‘must be sold as described, of satisfactory quality, and fit for purpose’(OFT, 2011). This prevents businesses from deceiving individuals by allowing them rights to know exactly what the product is. To inform consumers of their rights the government has setup websites and institutions which can be used to attain information readily. The OFT (Office of Fair Trading) was set up in 1973 to ‘enforce both consumer protection and competition law, acting as the UK’s economic regulator’. They can be contacted by consumers who would be given guidance about their matter and legal advice. The OFT carry out investigations into alleged unfair practices if consumers feel wronged for example, in June 2010 an investigation into credit score websites was opened after consumers complained about being charged monthly subscriptions fees. Verdict was reached and the accused companies agreed to not mislead consumers by making these charges known (Investigation into unfair practices, 2011). 5. Lack of competition in the market According to O’Connor (2012) a monopoly occurs if at least of the two conditions are satisfied: †¢The only organization in the industry †¢Substantial barriers of entry The UK government and many other agencies, informally, refer to any company with more than 25% market share as a monopoly. This includes companies on a national, regional or local scale. Monopolist businesses act as price maker, due to lack of competition, therefore can create artificially high prices if demand exists to earn abnormal profits. This is very different to the situation which occurs when competition exists in the market where businesses are constantly trying to reduce prices to undercut competitors. A restrictive trade practice is a strategy used to reduce competition and raise prices of products. Cartels are formed when businesses agree to set prices high, they are also illegal in UK. Competitors are forbidden to collude in restricting the flow of goods to a particular person or business. The UK government has various legislations to prevent abuse of power. Monopolies and Restrictive Practices Act (1948) In 1948 the Monopolies Commission was created to investigate industries where businesses are acting in collusion to limit competition. A report will be published after the investigation is concluded and will be given to the government to take necessary action. Monopolies and Mergers Act (1965) This act was created to investigate or prevent business that control at least 25% of the market from merging together. The Monopolies Commission would investigate the case then allow the merge to take place or disallow it if it does not act in the interest of the public. Restrictive Trade Practices Act (1956) Restrictive Trade Practices Act made it illegal for manufactures to act in collusion and control the prices at which their product is sold at in retail stores. The Registrar of Restrictive Practices acts as a database, businesses have to register any restrictive agreements between the manufactures. Fair Trading Act (1973) This act established the Office of Fair Trading with the aim of enforcing the act. Consumer protection and Competition law were the main agenda. The goal is to ensure markets work well for consumers, ensure strong competition and prohibit unlawful practices. Consumer protection was enhanced as businesses would be given warning at first but will be taken to court if problems persist. Competition Acts (1980 and 1998) Large businesses may limit competition and increase profits by predatory pricing, excessive prices, refusal to supply and price discrimination. This act was created to ensure businesses do not abuse their dominant market position and to deal with restrictive business practices. The EU influenced this act as the UK had to comply with EU competition policy. This act will be enforced by the Director General of Fair Trading and business if found at fault will be liable to financial penalties. Enterprise Act (2002) This act establishes new competition authorities, reformulates the law regarding mergers and markets, changed the law governing insolvency bankruptcy and criminalises anti-competitive behaviour. It also enhanced the Office of Fair Trading powers allowing it to carry out searches under warrant on the suspected mergers. Businesses can now appeal against the decisions made by the Competition Commission. The Minister of Trade and Industry used to play a major role but due to inconsistencies he no longer has the final say regarding mergers. 6. Unstable prices Unstable prices apply particularly to commodities, any naturally accruing substances, such as fossil fuels, coffee, wheat etc. If left to the market mechanism they tend to suffer from fluctuations in prices much more frequently than manufactured goods, which create problems for the suppliers of these commodities as they cannot plan with any certainty on what revenue they are going to receive. Lipsey and Harbury (1993) discussed the two strategies the government tries to control the price with: Price ceiling The government imposes a maximum price limit that can be charged for a particular item in order to protect consumers from environments that would make commodities inaccessible. A binding price ceiling is when the government decides to set the price ceiling below that of the free market price for example, if bread costs ? 2. 00 on the free market a price ceiling of ? 1. 00 would be considered a binding price ceiling. However, this can also have undesired results as some suppliers may slump out of the market as they cannot deal with the deficit, causing supplies to reduce and demand to increase as consumers bulk buy cheap items. A non-binding price ceiling is when the price ceiling is set above the free market price giving the suppliers/manufactures a buffer zone which is unlikely to have any practical effect. Price floor A price floor is the minimum price that can be charged for a product or service. If the mandatory price is set below the free market equilibrium price then it will have no practical effect but if the minimum price is set higher than the free market price it would mean consumers will have to pay more for the product. This could lead to demand falling which would result in manufactures seeing revenue decrease. An example of a minimum floor price is the National Minimum Wage Act 1998 which dictates the lowest amount employees can be paid. 7. Labour market failure Labour market should, according to Gregg and Wadsworth (2011), reach a certain equilibrium wage and quantity but in practice this rarely happens. Listed below are some potential causes of market failure: †¢Labour and skills immobility: Labour cannot always be where the jobs are, this is called geographical immobility. Skills immobility is when labour does not possess the right skills to fulfil the job. For example, coal miners lost their jobs when new industries were formed and because of the mismatch in skill they are left unemployed. †¢Discrimination: Race, gender, height, weight and age are some examples of discrimination which can take place and could lead to market failure. The government intervenes by creating legislations such as the National Minimum Wage Act and Equal Pay Act to help protect people’s rights at work. They also offer incentives for students to continue into further education. Gangmasters are the main employers in a town and will use their buying power to force wages below the national minimum wage rate. The government set up the GLA (Gangmasters Licensing Authority) to help control this problem and protect workers (Labour markets, 2009). 8. Conclusion The UK government acts admirable in the event of market failure to prevent further damage being inflicted onto the economy. However, the monopolistic business control acts are not in my estimation deterring businesses from unhealthy practices enough. The green initiative is laughable at best considering most households generally are in possession of two cars compared to just a single vehicle few years ago. Clearly more needs to be done to protect the environment. Although high petrol prices and an increase in insurance act as a deterrent to some the lack of alternatives is detrimental to the efforts. A higher tax should be implemented on tobacco as it is causes negative externalities which not only affect the individual but also the government, NHS spend on average five billion a year on treating diseases directly caused by smoking (Buckley,2003). 9. Bibliography Samuelson, P. A. , 1954, the pure theory of public expenditure, harvard university press. Chivian,E. C. and Bernstein, A. B. , 2008, sustaining life, oxford university press. O’Connor, A. C. , 2012, monopoly: the cause of evil, Lightning source uk ltd. Gregg, P. G. and Wadsworth, J. W. , 2011, The labour market in winter: the state of working britian, OUP oxford. Lipsey,R. G. L and Harbury,C. D. H. ,1993, first principles of economics, Weidenfield and Nicolson. Buckley,C. B. , 2003, thank you for smoking, Allison and busby. reuters. 2011. Apple iPhone market share. [ONLINE] Available at:http://www. reuters. com/article/2011/12/22/smartphones-europe-idUSL6E7NM0PI20111222. [Accessed 25 January 12]. metro. 2011. Britain is Europe’s fattest nation. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www. metro. co. uk/news/38242-britain-is-europes-fattest-nation. [Accessed 25 January 12]. office of fair trading. 2011. Investigation into alleged unfair practices. [ONLINE] Available at:http://www. oft. gov. uk/OFTwork/consumer-enforcement/consumer-enforcement-completed/adaptive-affinity/. [Accessed 25 January 12]. labour market failure. 2009. labour markets. [ONLINE] Available at:http://www. tutor2u. net/economics/presentations/labour_market_failure/player. html. [Accessed 25 January 12].

Friday, August 30, 2019

3 Paragraph Paper About the Novel Night Essay

Ellie weisel was the survior and author of the book Night. Ellie was born September 30,1928 in Sighet, Romania. He led a life representative of many Jewish children. Growing up in a small village in Romania, his world revolved around family, religious study, community and God. Yet his family, community and his innocent faith were destroyed upon the deportation of his village to the concentration camp in Auschwitz in 1944.†Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, which has turned my life into one long night, seven times cursed and seven times sealed.† (Elie Wiesel, Night, Ch. 3). Ellie Wiesel survived Auschwitz, Buna, Buchenwald and Gleiwitz. He was let free in 1945 and made his way to Paris and started wrighting his first novel Night. During world war 2 many people were anti-semitism. Anti-semitism means prejudice or hatred of, or discrimination against Jews for reasons connected to their Jewish heritage. Jewish people were blamed for the black pleg. They were also blamed for how bad the economy was. Hitler one of the most famous people during this time was using the jews as a scape-goat to get more votes. A scape-goat is just a group/someone you may put the blame all on.During world war 2 Jewish people were used as scape-goats and at the time of all this if you were German you may have been anti-semitism. One of the most memorable events at this time were The deportation of the jews. The nazis had enough of the jews and were ready to do there † final soulation† every jewish person with either that star david on them or had the letter J on there id was getting deportated to the concentration camps. See more:  The 3 Types of Satire Essay The German authorities used rail systems across the continent to transport, or deport, Jews from their homes, primarily to eastern Europe. German railroad officials used both freight and passenger cars for the deportations. German authorities generally did not give the jews getting deported food or water for the journey, even when they had to wait for days on railroad spurs for other trains to pass. Packed in sealed, suffering from overcrowding, they endured intense heat during the summer and freezing temperatures during the winter. Aside from a bucket, there was no sanitary facility. The stench of urine added to the humiliation and suffering of the deportees. Lacking food and water, many of the deportees died before the trains reached their destinations. Armed police guards accompanied the transports; they had orders to shoot anyone who tried to escape.

How to Improve public Schools Essay

Since the 17th century, American public schools have provided its children with a wonderful opportunity of receiving a free education that ensures a general understanding of various subjects such as mathematics and literature giving generation after generation the foundation of knowledge. Public schools have made several positive leaps since its begging from teaching only males students to teaching all genders, as well as becoming desegregated in 1969. Public schools provide a peace of mind for parents who desire the best for their children because they provide state certified teachers, free transportation, extra-curricular and after school programs, and are accountable to the state (web). Most notably, public high schools prepare students for life after school and provides a foundation for further education; however, behind all the wonderful aspects of public schools there are certain disadvantages that can hinder the academic progress of a student. Parents as well as students should be aware of these disadvantages that include: underfunded schools may not have certain materials or may have to cut some programs and too much emphasis on standardized test that creates a lot of stress on students and hinders their learning environment. Considering such disadvantages, parents and students may wonder â€Å"how can we solve this dilemma?† Nationalizing public school funding and giving less class and standardized test in order to allow students to focus on learning the curriculum are both steps and proposals that have the potential to settle the troublesome disadvantages of public schools. Different schools in different regions and states receive a wide range of funding which creates a conflict where some schools are underfunded while other are prosperous. The schools that are underfunded may not acquire certain materials that are essential for the course which hurt the process of learning for many students. Some schools are so underfunded that they result to eliminating certain courses or programs. Nearly half of the funding for public schools in the United States are provided though local taxes, generating large differences in funding between wealthy and impoverished communities. There have been efforts make public school funding more equitable yet have only provoked controversy. Some people, such as Eric Hanushek, argue that although different schools receive different amount of funding, the amount of money spent is not â€Å"systematically related to student  achievement,† therefore the wide range of public school funding is not an issue. On the other hand, people such as reviewers Rob Greenwald, Larry Hedges, and Richard Laine believer that â€Å"school resources are systematically related to student achievement,† and therefore school funding is educationally important. Although public schools in the Unites States are funded from federal, state and local sources, the funds from local property taxes generates large funding differences. A logical proposal to solve this problem would to nationalize public school funding therefore every public school depending on its level ( elementary, middle/junior, high, academy, etc.) would receive the same amount of funding which would eliminate the differences of funding for different regions. Some parents may argue that their local property taxes are higher than others and so it should go towards the funding for their child’s public school funding; however, if school funding is nationalized and standardized then each school regardless the location would receive enough funding to secure an adequate education for all children. Also, funds from local property taxes could be used to better individual communities such as building parks or community buildings as well as providing better roads instead of funding public schools. Federal taxes may rise due to nationalizing public school funding however it is for a good cause which is providing all students of America with an equal opportunity to a great education; however this proposal will be difficult to enact because it requires to federal approval and may take time to become a law. Many petitions will have to be made along with thousands of signatures so there would be a lot of support required to enact nationalizing public school funding yet if accomplished it would set a strong foundation for knowledge throughout the nation. With the creation of the No Child Left Behind act endorsed by president Bush, there has been a increasing emphasis on standardized testing for public schools that has ultimately hindered the learning environment by narrowing the curriculum, teaching to the test, and reducing the love of learning which helps drive students out of school specifically high school students. In several classes, the curriculum is taught based on the maximum potential for students to pass standardized test. This has created a sort of teach to pass instead of teach to learn class routine amongst several teachers. Consequently, several students miss out on valuable information due to the  narrowed curriculum by eliminating lessons not needed to pass a certain standardized test. The pressure put of students nowadays ,especially in high schools, can be extremely overwhelming and be a driving factor for several dropouts. Of course students do not decided to dropout of school solely on the large emphasis on standardized testing yet it is difficult to argue that it does not put a lot of stress on students who are already struggling to pass. The alarming emphasis on high-stakes standardized testing has become apparent to students,parents, as well as legislation and so there have been events that occurred with the purpose to lessen the emphasis of testing. For example, the Senate Education Committee passed a bill that â€Å"eliminated the use of scores on standardized †¦test,† that would determine if tens of thousands of schools were to be considered failing or not. Although this is a remarkable step to lessening the power set by standardized test scores it does not solve the problem of the collateral damage in public schools caused by too much testing. Indeed, tests are important to determine if a student is learning and not simply sitting in class daydreaming of irrelevant things; furthermore, students should worry about test and strive to make good grades on them. The problem with testing is not its existence but its intensity and worthiness. In the average class, test scores are worth much more compared to class work and homework. This places a huge stress on students to past test therefore they focus only on test scores instead of learning the material and applying what they have learned to real life situations. Standardized test are important in determining the progress of individual students and schools and therefore should not be eliminated however states should set a minimum of high-stake standardized test. For example there should be a maximum of one end of instruction test for important subjects and extra test that are not directly relevant to the curriculum such as benchmark tests should be eliminated. The specifics of such a policy should be left to be determined by the states due to the difficulty to enforce it as a federal policy. To make a state law that put a minimum on standardized test would require some time, petitions, and convincing for certain people but the final accomplishment would bring less stress to students and promote a better learning environment. State school boards should also divide the percentage of value of homework, classwork, participation grades, as well as class test equally. This would allow  student to focus on the important of turning in homework, participating in class, and test equally as opposed to stressing when a test is coming for it could considerably harm their grade in the class. Lessening the emphasis of test both standardized and class test would allow students to focus on the material being taught as well as allow teachers to improve the curriculum to provide the best possible educational for their students. Students can greatly benefit from the previous feasible proposals if they were to be enforced. By passing a federal law that endorses a nationalized federal funding of public schools as opposed to leaving half of public school funding to local property taxes, all American public schools would receive an equal amount of funding to use for the arts, after school programs, academic technology, or school renovations that all promote a heather and more engaging learning environment for all students. Although the process to get a bill that would enforce a fully federal funding of all public school passed by congress would take time and a lot of effort, it would provide equality for all public schools regardless of reputation or location giving students an equal opportunity. Placing a minimum on the amount of standardized test required by public schools within each state as well as making the value of class tests towards a students overall grade equal to homework and classwork would lessen the stress brought on my too much emphasis on testing which would allow students to focus on their eduction instead of simply passing the test. Such a policy would require several petitions and time to figure out what tests are more essential and which test could be eliminated; however, it would greatly reduce the stress of school making it more pleasing and allow teachers to provide the best possible education to their students. These policies can help improve the American public school system by allowing each student to take advantage of a learning based eduction that provides the knowledge needed to succeed and make a positive impact on our ever changing world.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Mission statement Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Mission statement - Assignment Example At the moment, security hailed courtesy of the Sheriff’s Office at Volusia County. The office works together with the citizens to provide safety and peace to reduce crime or fear emanating from it. The office ensures that their goal is met by seeking to confront and understand all underlying challenges leading to most security calls in the office. With the help of community policing and problem-solving skills, the office looks to improve significantly for the better an enhanced experience for visitors and its residents. The Volusia County office is dedicated to its commitment to administration, each employee on the premises, and the county residents working in cahoots to maintain the standards as a trustworthy source of assistance. Its personnel are dedicated to making individualistic contact with her community positive placing the office closer in partnership with each County resident (Volusia County Sheriff’s Office, 2015). The personnel is helpful and courteous at all instances. The future for Volusia County Sheriff office is bright owed to the employee’s moral standards. Sincerity, caring attitude, compassion, and honesty are the main pillars. Ventura County Sheriff’s Office stands out in the national ranking of secure zones to visit or spend a lifetime. Their guiding principle goal is to be in commitment to safeguarding the property and lives of the county’s residents through reaction to concerns in a way that promotes a region free of crime. The office reaches its goal guided by a comprehensive strategic mission to preserve peace, apprehend offenders, prevent crime, enforce laws, provide humane and secure detention for lawbreakers and offer problem solutions through community partnerships while displaying respect and empathy to dignity of all persons (Ventura County Sheriffs Office, 2015). This information on the website is opinionated to suggest an addition to the present strategy to serve the residents of Ventura County. The mission is

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Paranormal activity 3 reaction paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Paranormal activity 3 reaction paper - Essay Example What exactly does the demon want with Katie, and why is his name Toby? According to Katie in Paranormal Activity 3, what does Toby want, and where does he live? A demon refers to an evil and supernatural being such as spirit or a ghost. On the other hand, a ghost is used in reference to the spirit of someone who has died which evidently manifests itself in form of a shadowy apparition or it may cause the movement of objects, cause sounds or elicit a frightening and eerie atmosphere in a place. The demon, Tobby wanted to have sexual relations with Katie so that she would produce a male child heir that he was promised. To this end, Tobby wanted Kristi to attend a binding ritual at Katie’s grandmother house. Tobby is not the real name of the demonic entitiy. Kristi is credited with coming up with the name Tobby for the demon but its real name was never revealed. Evidently, Tobby lived within the confines of a crawlspace located in Katies and Kristi’s room. The film was set up in the San Diego area due to the sufficient open space it has to accommodate the filming of movies under small or big budgets. Furthermore the set up offers a unique country feeling for the setting up of horror movies. Furthermore, the directors needed a set up which would conform to the 1988 atmosphere that would act as prequel to Paranormal activity 1 and 2. The people of San Diego are mostly are mostly conservative as reflected by their Republican ideals. An Ouija board is a board game that is normally used as a supernatural gateway to communicate with the ghosts or spirits of the dead. In using the Ouija board for communication with Tobby, Ali and her boyfriend learnt that humans were capable of making deals with demons. Evidently, the demons would give power and wealth and in return they wanted the soul of the first born son. Furthermore, the demon, in this case Tobby, would haunt the family until it gets what it was promised. Tobby wants the first born male

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Business formation and purpose Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Business formation and purpose - Lab Report Example All these four airline services were integrated on 31st March 1974 to form British Airways. BA continued its operations for almost 13 years as a state-owned company. In February 1987, the BA was privatised as part of the Conservative government’s wider privatisation plan. Soon after its privatisation in 1987, the company acquired British Caledonian in the same year, Dan-Air in 1992, and British Midland International in 2012 so as to promote its global expansion. BA is a member of the Oneworld airline alliance along with other founding members like American Airlines, Qantas, Canadian Airlines, and Cathay Pacific. Today the Oneworld alliance has become the world’s third largest airline alliance after SkyTeam and Star Alliance. On 21st January 2011, BA merged with Iberia to form the International Airlines Group (IAG), which is the parent company of BA. IAG is the third largest airline group in the world and the second largest in Europe by annual revenues. It has been liste d on the London Stock Exchange and in the FTSE 100 Index. The BA operates under airline industry. While analysing the industrial classifications of the BA, it seems that the company maintains four major subsidiaries including BA CityFlyer, OpenSkies, British Airways Limited, and British Airways World Cargo. The BA CityFlyer, Didsbury based wholly owned subsidiary airline of BA, operates a number of European and domestic services from London City Airport. This BA subsidiary has gained a United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority Type A operating licence to carry passengers, cargo, and mail on aircrafts having 20 seats or above. In 2008, the BA CityFlyer signed a contract with Embraer to obtain the delivery of 11 E-Jet aircrafts for the purpose of modernising the fleet. In addition, the organisation ordered 3 extra Embraer 190 aircraft in late 2013. According to official data, the company carried roughly 1.2 million

Monday, August 26, 2019

Leftside bias and Holistic effect in face recognition Lab Report

Leftside bias and Holistic effect in face recognition - Lab Report Example One hundred twenty trials were done for each orientation (Upright: Left or Right and Inverted: Left or Right), that is 120 upright images (60 adult and 60 baby images) and 120 inverted images (60 adult and 60 baby images) were shown to the participants. Group data was analyzed using T - test. Results showed a significant difference (p Participant's T-test (two tailed, independent sample) was performed to compare the mean probability of the study group with the null hypothesis (i.e. probability of the participants holding the left-left face as the original face whether the image is upright or inverted is 0.5). In this study, 120 trials were done. Therefore to analyze the group data N = 60 was considered and to analyze individual data N = 120 was considered. For statistical calculations probability of null hypothesis was taken as 0.05. To find out if there was any significant difference between the two groups in terms of chimeric face chosen (left-left or right-right) with respect to how the images are positioned (upright or inverted), an Independent T - test was done. Table 2 and 3 shows the results of the T - tests (also the Descriptive Analysis is shown). Table 2 Descriptive Analysis The Descriptive Analysis showed that greater than 50 percent of the participants chose a left-left chimeric face. This result is in resemblance of the 'left-side bias' observed by Hsiao and Cottrell (2009). Table 3 T-test Results The t-test results revealed a significant difference of participants choosing a left-left chimeric face on both upright and inverted images. Discussion This study was carried out to identify whether the orientation of images upon presentation has a significant effect on the decisions made participants of the facial likeness task. One hundred twenty trials were done for each orientation (Upright: Left or Right and Inverted: Left or Right), that is 120 upright images (60 adult and 60 baby images) and 120 inverted images (60 adult and 60 baby images) were shown to the participants. Group data was analyzed using T - test. To find out if there was

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Growth Through Inequity and Key Performance Indicators Assignment

Growth Through Inequity and Key Performance Indicators - Assignment Example It has been operating its business operations currently for over a hundred years. After the mineral mining proved to be unsuccessful, the company owners were forced to sit and rethink on the course to take. They decided to buy minerals that could enable them produce finished products, which greatly saved the company setting the base of the entrepreneurship spirit that has since been shaping the company. It is from this weak start that the company has developed tremendously into a multinational organization. Currently the organization produces and sells over 50, 000 different items for commercial use, industrial purposes or healthcare products. Most importantly, it sells its products in over two hundred countries around the world. 3m has worked tirelessly to bring changes in its products while inventing and producing new versions of items. It is in this spirit that the organization has been able to identify consumer needs in the market and respond to them accordingly for example, the post-it ® Note. The organization undergoes different stages to come up with an item on the market. It taps the original ideas, designs the product, manufacture it and deliver the finished product on the market. The 3m does not base on one particular style to generate its ideas. It uses manager’s method to tap ideas from people and its own employees. At the same time, remains proactive in encouraging all workers to come up with new ideal processes, which makes the organization active in developing new products on the market. The company produces goods with customer requirements in mind. This enables it to provide various solutions to customer needs around the globe. In developing the goods, it starts with focusing on custo mer requirements then make decisions on the products to manufacture.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Managing Activiies to Achieve Results Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Managing Activiies to Achieve Results - Essay Example Here, for this assignment, this author has chosen the example of a pharmaceutical manufacturing industry, where these themes are equally applicable. Pharmaceutical industry is highly competitive, and every step of functioning in this industry is governed by business process management to improve products and services to the customer with maximal efficiency. An efficient system must be usable, and people must be convinced about the usefulness of it. Thus the developmental journey must be people centric, where the trench people must not feel excluded. They need to be consulted, listened to, trained and communicated with on a regular basis. They must understand the business process and its benefits. Conviction of people about the reasons of the process change, the necessity of it would promote them to take ownership and responsibility. The organisational structure would enable that. The organisational structure and culture are important parameters and preconditions for fostering an environment where people would understand clearly what is expected of them and how they are significant in the new structure and process (Morrill, 2008). There are many components in the structure and culture. The components are logically connected in such a way that there is a meaningful concept of fitment among the different components of organisational struc ture and the cultural settings. In the stated organisation, the decision makers implement change processes interpret and utilise the environmental culture to shape the organisational structure. Sometimes depending on the situation, a double-loop change process is utilised where within the organisational structure, the members of one culture impose their favoured structures on organisational members coming from different cultures. Sometimes, again depending on the situation, the organisational hierarchy utilises the naturally socially constructed organisational structure and culture (Walsh, 2004). Mission and Aim of Organisation and Effects on Structure and Culture The objective and aim of the organisation has important impacts on its culture and structure. If by organisational structure we mean formalisation and centralisation and if organisational culture means participative decision making, support and collaboration, and learning and development, both must interrelate. The aim and objective of this organisation is to produce innovative pharmaceutical products, and thus it means technological processes, administrative control, and product manufacturing. Studies by Jantan et al. (2003) have shown that both participation in decision making and support and collaboration and learning and development have demonstrable positive effects on administrative innovation. Although structural variables appear to be unaffected, they may affect the cultural variables (Jantan et al., 2003). Bate et al. (2000) highlights the role of aims and goals of an organisation in shaping the structure and

Friday, August 23, 2019

Concepts Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Concepts - Research Paper Example Non- verbal communication is beneficial in international business settings. It makes communication brief and effective. Finally, it exemplifies the level of professionalism thereby increasing the level of confidence. On the downside it cannot be used as a public instrument for communication, prevents detailed conversation and not as of much influence as verbal communication. Persuasive communication is more personal, more detailed and effective in sharing information (Fontane et al., 2013). Conversely, it is time consuming, involves emotion which is inappropriate for business and requires a high level of negotiation skills. Collaboration improves the receipt of feedback in an organization and ensures participatory decision making. In opposition, collaborative communication delays the decision making in the organization and is ineffective where a huge number of employees are involved. Non- verbal communication is used in international communication and in business talks with potential clients to increase business opportunities by showing confidence and professionalism (Guffey, 2012). Persuasion communication is used in convincing customers and potential clients to undertake a certain business deal. In summary, collaboration is used in day to day operation of the business in decision making. Fontaine, M., Parise, S., & Miller, D. (2013, June 13). Collaborative environments: A dynamic tool for transforming business processes. Retrieved from

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Condition vs. Statement Analysis Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Condition vs. Statement Analysis - Coursework Example Horizontal analysis makes use of comparisons over two or more years in both currency and percentage forms. Vertical analysis on the other hand, takes into account entries of the balance sheet and presents them as percentages of the total. Finally, ratio analysis is used in financial statement analysis to show the statistical correlation of data (Finkler, Purtell, Calabrese, and Smith, 2013). The use of financial statement analysis is primarily aimed at informing effective decision making process. While financial statement analysis evaluates the financial performance of an organization from its financial data records to showcase performance, financial condition analysis on the other hand, aims at measuring the position of the business or entity at hand. Two considerations under financial condition analysis include resource flow, and resource stock (Studenmund, 2011). Under resource flow, financial condition analysis takes into account financial indicators such as total margin, charge to expense, and debt service ratios. It also considers financial performance through change in net assets (Finkler, Purtell, Calabrese, and Smith, 2013). Under resource stock, financial condition analysis takes into account financial ratios (indicators) such as quick for testing liquidity, net assets for measuring solvency, debt to asset for measuring leverage, and capital assets condition for measuring capital (Finkler, Purtell, Calabrese, and Smith, 2013). The use of financial condition analysi s is primarily aimed at acknowledging the performance or position of the entity at hand. Finkler, Purtell, Calabrese, and Smith (2013) points that external factors have impact on an organization’s financial performance. In this case, financial condition analysis considers external factors such as competition, market stability, exchange rates, and market volatility. Under these factors, financial condition analysis aims at testing how much the business is able to

Corporate Social Network Essay Example for Free

Corporate Social Network Essay

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

A Gamma Rays Report Biology Essay

A Gamma Rays Report Biology Essay Have you ever know that Gamma-ray bursts can release more energy in 10 seconds than the Sun will emit the same amount of energy in its entire 10 billion-year lifetime? Have you ever believed that a Gamma-ray is actually the most energetic and most active photon in the electromagnetic spectrum? As a matter of fact, scientists believe that a gamma-ray burst will occur once every few million years in the Milky Way, but has it ever came to your mind that a gamma ray burst is the MOST powerful known explosion in the galaxy? Well, Gamma-rays are extremely high frequency waves that have very small wavelengths and carry the largest amount of energy in the entire electromagnetic spectrum. In fact, these waves are produced by radioactive atoms as well as nuclear explosions. Because Gamma-rays pass through almost any material and are very difficult to stop, one may need a large concentration of lead or concrete in order to block them out and reduce their damage. In fact, Gamma-rays also have the ability to cause serious damage when engaged by living cells due to their extremely high energy substance. How Gamma-Rays are produced? Gamma rays are obviously part of the electromagnetic spectrum, and are photons, or in other words, packets of energy. The term photon itself means visible light particle, however, photons inside gamma rays are called gamma photons. These photons inside the gamma rays have over a million times more energy than visible light. Gamma rays originate or actually come from the nucleus of an atom, and as a result, are produced when an atom is radioactive and contains too much energy in the nucleus (the center of an atom). Also, when the atom is very active it emits a beta particle, which is an extremely high speed electron or proton that is emitted when an atom is radioactive. However, when the atom emits a beta particle it still contains too much energy, so it emits a gamma photon, or in other words, gamma radiation.C:Documents and SettingsRamzaMy DocumentsMy Picturesgamma.gif Properties: Gamma rays are very high energy ionizing radiations that are part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Gamma photons have absolutely no mass and no electric charges; they are neutral and have 100% pure electromagnetic energy. In fact, Gamma Radiation is a type of energy that has a very high frequency, and therefore, consists of extremely short wavelengths. Actually, Gamma Rays can travel at the speed of light due to their high energy levels; they can cover thousands of meters before consuming all their energy. Consequently, gamma photons can pass almost any type of material that includes human tissue. For instance, lead is used as a shield to slow down or stop gamma photons. Uses Gamma rays, which are basically electromagnetic radiations discharged by radioactive or atomic decay, are used in many purposes, from killing cancerous cells to measuring soil density. Even though Gamma rays contain some cancer-causing properties, they are somehow used to treat some types of cancer. As a matter of fact, in the procedure called gamma-knife surgery, different beams of gamma rays are actually directed on the growth (the cancerous cells) in order to kill them. Well, first of all, Gamma rays are used for many treatment purposes, mainly for killing tumors, cancer cells and other malignant cells in the human body. In fact, a tracer, which is in other words, a radioactive substance, is put inside the human body, and its path (trace) inside the body is then followed. A special gamma camera uses those rays to build up a picture, and this picture gives the doctor an excellent and complete vision of what he is treating and dealing with. The patient gets a very small dose of the radiation and, therefore, does not suffer greatly. Secondly, Gamma Rays are used in sterilizing medical equipment by actually killing the bacteria. They are also used to kill bacteria, microbes and insects in foodstuffs, mainly meat and vegetables, basically to maintain freshness. Furthermore, gamma rays are used to gauge thickness of metals in steel mills, measure and control flow in liquids in industrial processes, as well as provide very interesting images of the universe. Finally, Gamma rays have also disclosed huge information about the structure of the atomic nucleus, as they actually interact with substance by different separated elementary processes.C:Documents and SettingsRamzaMy DocumentsMy Picturesradiotherapy.jpg Effects As a matter of fact, Gamma radiation is the most penetrative type of energy known; gamma rays can get past even some of the densest and thickest materials, making them both a great benefit as well as a hazard. Because the photons that cover up gamma radiation are so energetic, their effect on human health is indeed extremely deep. Effects of gamma rays are well-known to everybody from treatment of nuclear fallout. In fact, close contact with radioactive materials of a significant size causes damage to skin tissue and deaths are also very likely. Normally, burns occur more or less directly, while nausea, fatigue and vomiting take hours to become visible after the exposure. Unfortunately, the burn is very painful and deep. Hair loss and bleeding may take up to months to start heeling and actually return to normal again. In fact, Gamma rays are generally recognized to be the most physically major grate by which ionization radiation causes cancer as well as heredity disease. http://www.a In conclusion, Gamma-rays have the shortest wavelengths, highest frequencies, and, as a result, are the most powerful and energetic form of light in the universe. As mentioned above, it has the most energy of any other wave in the electromagnetic spectrum. Gamma rays are used to kill cancerous cells, which actually assures the fact that gamma rays are an advantage to medicine, but, at the same time could be very harmful indeed. Actually, Gamma radiation is the most penetrative type of energy known currently; it can get past even some of the densest substances, making them both a great benefit as well as a hazard.C:Documents and SettingsRamzaMy DocumentsMy PicturesPicture%204_43.png Quotes about Gamma Rays In general, the objects in the universe that are very high-energy objects, or the processes that are high-energy processes, will radiate more in the short wavelength range towards the gamma rays or the x-rays. Claude Nicollier The first stage had been all over before the doctors even knew they were dealing with a new sickness; it was the direct reaction to the bombardment of the body, at the moment when the bomb went off, by neutrons, beta particles, and gamma rays. John Hersey Gamma was a logical progression after doing the Open Fire record. Ronnie Montrose I turned my attention for a while to gamma ray astronomy and soon began the first in a continous series of experiments at the Savannah River site to study the properties of the neutrino. Frederick Reines In this case, the particle formed has correspondingly less energy, whereas the product nucleus passes into the ground state with emission of the quantity of energy saved as gamma radiation. Walther Bothe Our border patrol does a great job under these very dangerous conditions. They use very sophisticated equipment, including gamma rays, to detect drugs and illegal immigrants as they enter the U.S. Timothy Murphy Read more: Citation Website Mark. Gamma Rays | Radiation Protection | US EPA.  US Environmental Protection Agency. Us Government, 1 Oct. 2010. Web. 12 Feb. 2011. . Thompson, Martin J. What Is a Gamma Ray?  WiseGEEK: Clear Answers for Common Questions. IND, INC, May-June 2028. Web. 10 Feb. 2011. . Moss, Jennifer M. The Electromagnetic Spectrum: Gamma Rays.  Andy Darvills Science Site: Home. Google, Jan. 2006. Web. 21 Feb. 2011. . Liam S. Gamma Ray Quotes Science Quotes Dictionary of Science Quotations and Scientist Quotes.  Today In Science History. Web. 21 Feb. 2011. . Book Schonfelder, Volker. 5.  The Universe in Gamma Rays. Berlin [u.a.: Springer, 2001. Print.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Obama and Romney Campaign Video Analysis

Obama and Romney Campaign Video Analysis Analysis of Obama and Romney campaign Advertisements Igbinosa Ojehomon According to McNair Brian â€Å"Political communication simply is purposeful communication about politics†[1] From his definition of political communication, the main word that strikes a chord is â€Å"purposeful† which according to Merriam Webster dictionary, defines purposeful as â€Å"having a clear aim or purpose†[2] So his explanation could be summarized as communication related to politics having a clear aim. Political communication always has an intent and intended target. More so, it usually has an objective and the objective most of the time it is to influence and persuade an intended group or populace. Besides political communication is always issue specific. Part time the information disseminated is well-defined to reflect a particular message. This is done in other to ensure that the recipients of the targeted information get the intended message in other to have maximum impact. Besides political communication has gone beyond just spoken words and com posed text but it has metamorphosed into to the realm of using filmic and photographic cues[3]. These include deliberate concerted efforts at manipulate audio-visual and pictorial materials, structured in such a way that it portrays a particular identity. In this fashion this could be referred to as Political Image. It further includes advertising related attributes such as emblem design for political party, facial cosmetics, and hairdo making of whoever is going to be a flag bearer of the political party. All this are deliberately done to ensure positive image of the political part and the party leader in other to create a positive impression on the mind of the intended target in order to achieve an intended objective desired by the political party and the political leader. This processes goes down to include what type of slogan to use, what color should be used to represent the party to even include voice training of the political leader, gesture training, walking steps to dressin g style are all carefully manage by a specialist to portray and image consistent with what is intended by the party. Funny enough all this transformation in political communication has influence by advancement in communication technology. From paper to newspapers, magazine to radio, television to the social media. However the advent of the television most especially the colored television has open a fora for highly colorful political advertising programs, speeches, jingles all utilize highly creative multimedia tools to produce the most colorful and eye appeal video footage. Besides all entities have components, this divisions that make up the entity. Against the backdrop the parts that make up political communication are as follows the media, the citizens and the political organization[4] COMPONENT OF POLITICAL COMMUNICATION The citizen, media and political organization are all core parts of political communication. They are highly dependent on each other and they could be referred to as mutually interdependent. Each constituent depend on the other constituent depend on the other constituent for relevance. This process is also vice versa. Firms 2012 (Barack Obama’s campaign) This 32 seconds Ad was carefully structured to support the motion that Romney was the problem and not the solution to American’s economic woes, by exposing the trading pattern of Romney’s firms and money laundering schemes. In the period when these Ads were aired, America has been experiencing a steady increase in unemployment and the economy was in a bad shape. This economic situation badly affected the middle class of the American society who were losing their jobs to offshore- outsourcing of labor to countries of cheap labor such as Mexico, India and china. Besides, further investment in Tax havens such as Cayman Island and Bermuda. Tax havens â€Å"are locations with very low tax rates and other tax attributes designed to appeal to foreign investors†[5] Some tax haven do not apply taxes for foreign investors. This is an attraction for rich folks and investors, for it is more profitable for them to invest in this place because of low or zero tax. This must hav e been an attraction for Romney’s firm, for his is a business man and wants to make profits. However, investing funds in another country has a tendency of improving the economy of that country. So what this Obama TV Ad is trying to drive at with relation to the economic situation in the United States, is that Romney by investing in the Cayman Island and Bermuda instead of the United States, is contributing to the economic challenges of the United States at that time and not helping the situation. For every amount of money that was invested outside the United States would have contributed to the improvement of the American economy. Besides, the money laundering acts by Romney highlighted in this TV Ad to Swiss account helped to further reinforce the key message of this TV Ad the â€Å"Romney is the problem and not the solution† for when large chunk of money is moved from a country, it short circuit the natural flow of money in the economy and this disruptions have signi ficant impact on the general functioning of the economy. Likewise, those funds saved in the Swiss account by Romney if saved in banks in banks in United States, it would have help improved the American economy by making available funds which banks could borrow to American citizens for business related activities and the such activities would create jobs for American people etc. Personally the arrangement of ideas in this Ad was very was very effective and the arrangement of evidences to support the main idea was splendid. This was an attempt to demonize Romney and blame him for economic situation at that time. However looking at things objectively Romney is a business man, and the goal of every businessman is to make profits so every sane business man will act in like-manner like Romney, such as outsourcing of jobs, investing in Tax haven if he or she feels it is profitable. The Cheaters 2012 (Barack Obama’s campaign) This 30 seconds audio-visual Obama Ad is titled The Cheaters, this title is arrived at by taking out excerpt from Romney’s speech which is as follows â€Å"It’s time to stand up to the cheaters and make sure we protect jobs for the American people† Funny enough this excerpt was taken from Romney’s TV Ad against Obama accusing Obama of not standing up to China Hence being a cheater. So we could argue that this Obama Tv Ad is a response to Romney’s Tv Ad. The architect of this Ad are very smart, in that they used Romney’s words which he accused Obama of cheating and not standing up to china against him. This they did by picking up key phrases in Romney’s Ad such as â€Å"Stand up to† â€Å"the cheaters† and â€Å"protect jobs† which he accused Obama of, then using those key phrases against Romney. This they did by providing evidences to prove that what he accused Obama of, he (Romney) is guilty of it; that is,  "not standing up to china†. This evidences are presented as follows Firstly, transferring employment to china. Romney’s investment company called Bain capital has overtime systematically invested in companies that focus on shifting jobs from United States to china.[6]This is a direct link to the fact that Romney has not stood up to china. For how can you claim you are standing up to a country and then still indirectly provide jobs for that country at the expense of your own country. That is highly hypocritical and dishonest; this was what Romney’s action implied. This was what Obama TV Ad was trying to capitalize on. That Romney is a hypocrite and dishonest hence â€Å"The Cheater.† This evidence is aimed at making the American public view Romney as unpatriotic. For his investment patterns was taking jobs from the American people and transferring them to China. Americans are very patriotic people, so they would not vote for a presidential candidate that reflect unpatriotic sentiments. Personally I feel this was a very convincing message, that Romney was not standing up to china for the way the Obama TV portrayed it Secondly, heavily investing in china. The surveillance industry in china is a booming industry due to the rising threat of insecurity as a result of large and growing population. This Obama TV Ad help to highlight the fact that significant portion of Romney’s wealthy is invested in the surveillance industry in china.[7] This directly boosts the Chinese economy, provide jobs for Chinese people. This action of Romney’s firms highly illustrates the fact that Romney is not standing up to china instead he is supporting china. These furthermore reinforces the fact that he is supporting china at the expense of the American people. This has negative connotation on the voting populace. For the American people have been wary of china for it is a direct threat to the American economy. For it is a hub for cheap labor and a distribution point for cheap product to the United States. Due to this economic characteristics of china, American has been losing funds and jobs to china. So Ob ama TV Ad on the second point helps to illustrate that Romney has chosen to align himself with china which is a threat to American economy. Thus, it indicates that Romney is supporting china. This message the Obama TV Ad tries to pass across to the American people that Romney is supporting china which depriving them jobs while he claims he is not supporting china. To sum up, the two TV Ad of Obama titled Firms 2012 and the cheaters 2012 were designed to were designed portray Mitt Romney in a negative fashion. The Tv Ad Title Firms 2012 was designed so that the American public could perceive Mitt Romney as the cause of America’s economic challenges due to foreign outsourcing of jobs and investment in tax havens which indirectly causes unemployment and reduction in funds available in the American economy. More so the campaign advertisement title â€Å"The cheaters 2012† was to show mitt Romney as not a dishonest person, for he claimed he would stand up to china, however his financial company was heavily investing in china directly and indirectly Source: Mitt Romney, has had successful career both academically, politically and businesswise until the presidential election in 2012 which he lost to Barack Obama. He studied in Ivy League schools such as Stanford and Harvard[8]. Politically he was one time governor of Massachusetts. Businesswise he owns a very profitable financial company called Bain capital.[9]This company has been very profitable to Romney and has help to manage his financial assets and channel funds to profitable investments. Conservative Agenda 2012 (Mitt Romney’s campaign) The first few words of this campaign Tv advertisement summarizes everything in this video. That is Mitt Romney claiming that he would make the American government simpler smaller and smarter, this he further explains he would do through nationalization of programs eliminating non-essential programs and Obamacare. This his rhetoric is highly conservative and a reflection of Republican Party doctrine. Republican Party are not in favor of welfare programs, that may explain why he said he will get rid of programs(Obamacare).He also talks about introducing spending cut and balancing of budget. By this he is trying to show that Obama’s government are not literate enough to handle the American economy. More so his approach here to what is causing job loss for the American people is government deficit as a result of excessive spending .In this campaign add he is outlining the problems of the American economy and offering solutions to it. He is not directing his criticism at Obamas per sonality but at the institution that represent Obamas government. Besides his words in this video is portraying care and concern for the American people and the future. He is portraying himself as a responsible father by talking about the negative impact the Obama government is having on the future of the American kid. Give Me a Break 2012 (Mitt Romney’s campaign) â€Å"Give me a break† means literally excuse me or give me breathing space. This could literally mean mitt Romney telling Obama to give the American people a break, for even former president Clinton said the same word in 2008 presidential campaign about Obama, highlighting the fact that he could not see any meaningful solution Obama would bring. For since Obama took office the American economy has regressed, the middle class are falling backward and large chunk of the American population are looking for job. Failing American Workers 2012 (Mitt Romney’s campaign) The title of campaign advertisement summarizes everything in this video. Before Obama took office for the first time he promised to create jobs and revive the economy. However the video illustrates that Obama has failed to meet up to his promises, thereby failing the American workers, who are affected most by his failure. Romney shows using figures that illustrate that Americas manufacturing jobs was more than china but when Obama took office, it drop till the extent that china overtook America in manufacturing jobs. An excess of half a million manufacturing jobs were lost under Obamas first administration. This is a concrete prove that Obama has failed the American worker. This is the message Romney is trying to pass across. Failing American Families 2012 (Mitt Romney’s campaign) Family is a very important factor in among the conservative in the American society. Romney is using the family as a weapon to show that under Obamas administration family income has on a regular interval been reducing by 4000 dollars and furthermore he also illustrates that national debt have increased steadily. By this happen he has failed to meet up to the expectation he promised the American people when he initially took office hence failed the American families. PERSONAL ANALYSIS In this section would attempt to analyze Obama campaign and Romney campaign separately then show the differences and similarities between the two The differences between Obama campaign and Romney campaign in this Video clips is that the two Obama video clips are is more of a personality attack on Romney, designed to create negative sentiment about Romney. Secondly it is mainly focused on Romney as the cause of the problems. Thirdly it it is attacking Romney’s business life. Taking his past business activity and associating it to be the cause of American economic problems and increase unemployment. While alternatively Romney’s campaign advertisement is has substance. Substance in the sense that it is using statistics, numerical facts to prove that Obamas first time in office has done America more harm than good. He does that by comparing America’s economy (house hold income, employment rate and debt burden), before Obama took office and after Obama’s first term in office. He used it to prove that America has not made progress domestically and internationally when compared to china. Personally this is highly convincing, concrete and professional. The challenge to Romney’s approach is that it appeal to the intellectuals and highly educated. In short it appeal to the brain because it the argument are logical and factual. But, it is not the whole American population that would view his campaign from that standpoint. More so Romney’s campaign advertisement was more nationalistic and futuristic. He was trying to make the America public understand the negative impact of Obamas government in the first four years on the future of the American people. More so, Romney’s campaign Advertisement was making use of authority’s facts, such as information from national bureau of statistics, while Obama was utilizing information from newspapers etc. But when view both campaign, Obama campaign seemed to have more effects because it appealed to the emotion. It provoked negative feelings towards Romney by the American people, no wonder Obama won the presidential election the second time. In conclusion, Obama negative campaigning again Romney won again Romney’s logical and systematic and factual representation of campaign advertisement can personally learn from this that people may response more effectively to emotionally charged campaign advertisement than to logical and factual campaign advertisement. More so independent research also suggest that Obama was more genuine that Romney, only God knows. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. McNair, Brian. An introduction to political communication. Taylor Francis, 2011. 2. Webster, M. (n.d.). . . Retrieved, from 3. McNair, Brian. An introduction to political communication. Taylor Francis, 2011 p6 5. Dharmapala, D., Hines Jr, J. R. (2007, April). Which countries become tax havens?. InAmerican Law Economics Association Annual Meetings(p. 48). bepress. 6. Hamburger, T. (n.d.). Romney’s Bain Capital invested in companies that moved jobs overseas.. Retrieved May 15, 2014, from 7. JACOBS, A., BULLOCK, P. (2012, March 15). Firm Romney Founded Is Tied to Chinese Surveillance.. Retrieved May 15, 2014, from 8. The American Presidency. (n.d.). . Retrieved May 14, 2014, from [1] McNair, Brian. An introduction to political communication. Taylor Francis, 2011. [2] Webster, M. (n.d.). . . Retrieved, from [3] ibid [4] McNair, Brian. An introduction to political communication. Taylor Francis, 2011 p6 [5] Dharmapala, D., Hines Jr, J. R. (2007, April). Which countries become tax havens?. InAmerican Law Economics Association Annual Meetings(p. 48). bepress. [6] Hamburger, T. (n.d.). Romney’s Bain Capital invested in companies that moved jobs overseas.. Retrieved May 15, 2014, from [7] JACOBS, A., BULLOCK, P. (2012, March 15). Firm Romney Founded Is Tied to Chinese Surveillance.. Retrieved May 15, 2014, from [8] The American Presidency. (n.d.). . Retrieved May 14, 2014, from [9] ibid

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Discovery and Development of Nuclear Technology Essay -- Essays Pa

The Discovery and Development of Nuclear Technology Man has always been interested in how the world around him works. He wondered about the structure of matter,of which his world, as well as our world, is made up. Countless scientists have been pondering that same question ever since the beginning of time. In this paper you will read about just a few of the men and women that broke the ground for the nuclear technology of today. One of the first people to do this was a Greek philosopher named Anaxagoras in five hundred years before Christ. He questioned what would happen if he cut in half a sample of matter, gold in his case, and then half the halves and continue doing this. Anaxagoras’ theory stated that it would be possible to continue the process of halving for infinity. A different Greek, Democritus, disagreed with Anaxagoras and said that there is a point that the gold can no longer be cut in half any smaller. Democritus said that when this occurs, all that is left are tiny particles that were unchangeable and indestructible because there is no power present in the universe that was great enough to destroy or change these particles. He named these tiny particles, which are the building blocks of matter, atoms after the Greek word a-tomos which means not cuttable. Democritus met with some agreement, albeit three hundred years later, from a Roman poet Lucretius who wrote a six volume work of verse entitled "De Rerum Natura." In his work, which literally translates to "The Nature of Things," Lucretius uses the example of animals looking similar to their offspring in order to explain that the atom was unchangeable and indestructible. One person who did not agree with him was Aristotle, a man ... ...means of atom smashing, and in 1932 Earnest Thomas Sinton Walton and John Douglas Cockcroft announced that they had created an artificial means of accelerating atoms to make possible the destruction of larger atoms. Now that it was possible to create this amount of energy it could be used to power homes and destroy entire cities. Man tried to learn about how his world was structured and he succeeded. He discovered that the all matter is made up of atoms. And through years of hard work he was able to harness its energy for the use of man. To Bibliography - Dietz, David. Atomic Science: Bombs and Power. Collier Books, New York, 1962 - Feinberg, J.G. The Story of Atomic Theory and Atomic Energy. Dover Publications Inc., New York, 1960 - Graetzer, Hans. The Discovery of Nuclear Fission. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York, 1971

Sunday, August 18, 2019

the sun also rises Essay -- essays research papers fc

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The United States in the 1920s was a land of change. The recent end to a horrific war brought about a change in life, culture and perception. Those who returned from the war had their view on life shattered and changed completely. This change of awareness is evident in the literature following World War I. Authors such as Ernest Hemingway demonstrated what many were experiencing with the short sentences and tough prose found in his novels. His first and defining novel, The Sun Also Rises, was written in 1926. Hemingway uses foils to develop flawed characters and convey a message of what the â€Å"Lost Generation† experiences in The Sun Also Rises.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  World War I was a war in which much new technology and innovation was used. This advancement made killing more effective and the horrors of war even greater. The trench warfare on the Eastern Front was horrendous. Poison gasses were used to flush soldiers out of trenches. When they emerged, they would be met by bullets from machine guns, which would mow men down. Survivors of the ghastly battles had the images and memories scarred into their minds. Young men were sent to war, and what they saw changed them forever. One of these men was a certain ambulance driver on the Italian Front. He witnessed the effects of the new innovations on the human body, and the devastation they caused. That man was Ernest Hemmingway, and after the war, he translated his memories and experiences into the literature that is now famous. Novels like The Sun Also Rises and A Farewell to Arms are examples of this defining literature (â€Å"The Sun Also Rises† 332).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Those soldiers that returned from the war were traumatized beyond belief. They were disillusioned and stunned by what they had gone through in World War I. They were a generation of people morally and spiritually lost, and dubbed the â€Å"Lost Generation† by Gertrude Stein (â€Å"The Sun Also Rises 332-334).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One of Hemingway’s talents was to create characters with flaws and obstacles that challenge them. The protagonist in The Sun Also Rises is Jake Barnes. He was emasculated in World War I. Most of his obstacles involve his injury and the self-consciousness associated with it. The memories of the war traumatize him as well as the other veterans. Jake is insecure about his masculi... ...† was an era when much change occurred and those living it were unsure how to react. Veterans of the war were scarred. Morality seemed to be lost in the world as the â€Å"Roaring Twenties† started. Hemingway took the culture of the times and put them onto paper. His characters in The Sun Also Rises demonstrate what many people experienced. The disillusionment many felt, the insecurity of others, and the desire to escape reality were all prominent at that time. Most of the people of the time and the characters in Hemingway’s novels were a â€Å"Lost Generation† in every sense. Works Cited Hemingway, Ernest. The Sun Also Rises. New York: Scribner, 2003. Ira Elliott. â€Å"Performance Art: Jake Barnes and ‘Masculine’ Signification in The Sun Also Rises.† (American Literature, 1995); excerpted and reprinted in Novels for Students. Vol 5 (Detroit: Gale, 1999), pp. 338-342. Jeffery M. Lilburn, in an essay for Novels for Students. Vol 5. Detroit: Gale, 1999, pp. 335-338. Robert W. Cochran. â€Å"Circularity in The Sun Also Rises† (Modern Fiction Studies, 1968); reprinted in Novels for Students. Vol 5. (Detroit: Gale, 1999), pp. 342-347. â€Å"The Sun Also Rises.† Novels for Students. Vol 5. Detroit: Gale, 1999.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Context and Description of the Advertisement Essay

The advert, BK SUPER SEVEN INCHER, is the property of Burger King Food aimed at promoting the new sandwich that the company has produced for its customers. From the start, the advert makes you think of something sexual through the picture and words that have been used in the advert. The display of the advert is a picture of a woman with her mouth open and the sandwich going in and at the bottom of the advert. There is a caption which states â€Å"it’ll BLOW your mind away† Using pathos, for humor and the text of the advert. Context and Description of the Advertisement The ad I choose is a more recent advert by Burger King Food, which they have developed to promote the has a woman with red lipstick, side view of her with her mouth open, with the new BK sandwich, going by the name the â€Å"BK SUPER SEVEN INCHER† heading into her mouth. Right underneath the picture it has the caption, â€Å"IT’LL BLOW YOUR MIND AWAY† and in the upper right hand corner it also reads; â€Å"IT JUST TASTES BETTER†. From the outlook of the whole advert, I believe the target of the audience was directed mainly towards the male gender, especially the younger males from the age of 18 years and those whole are middle-aged. This is due to the reason that the image used is that of a young woman opening her mouth for a sandwich, which is attractively decorated (Petley, 2003). The text used also tends to create some kind of sexual image in combination to the picture of the woman. However, it could also be fit for women as well, since it seems to be d irected and make the audience believe it is a sexual advert. This is demonstrated through the use of various words like; â€Å"BLOW, Fill your desire for something long, and it just tastes better† as well as have the picture of a white young lady who is opening her red lipstick mouth to a sandwich that is claimed to be seven inches in length. The company, Burger King is known to be one of the all American fast food joints that compete with other companies such as McDonald’s, Carl’s Jr., and In and Out, which also offer similar products among many others. The intention of the advert in my opinion was to create and bring out some form of humor for the majority of the customers who are in the younger age group category of customers (Petley, 2003). The use of some form of sexual context in the advert was to draw attention of those customers in the age group mentioned above. The image used in the advert is that of a white woman, displaying the side view of her face, with some short blonde hair wearing some lipstick on her lips. The picture of the young lady in the advert displays her mouth open and the new sandwich known as the â€Å"BK SUPER SEVEN INCHER† sandwich heading straight into her mouth. The caption in the upper right hand corner says, â€Å"IT JUST TASTES BETTER† and right below the image there is another caption which states that, â€Å"It’ll blow your mind away†. In the lower part of the second caption in the advert has the picture or image of the sandwich that is being offered with the name of the sandwich being â€Å"BK SUPER SEVEN INCHER†. Additional fine print of the advert contains details about the sandwich and it states, â€Å"fill your desire for something long†. The use of color has been done in such a way that there is harmony and clearly outlines the details of the advert making the words legible and the picture visible and attractive (Petley, 2003). Analysis of Rhetorical Appeals The advert clearly demonstrates various rhetorical appeals and I believe that Burger King Food has made use of all the three rhetorical appeals in their advert (Rosenwasser, & Stephen, 2012). The rhetorical appeals which have been used include appeal to Logos, Ethos and Pathos. Reasoning (Logos) It is important that an advert must appeal to reasoning and sound logical when someone interested looks at the image of the advert in addition to the picture used in an advert. Using various texts in the advert for example, â€Å"IT JUST TASTE BETTER†, as used in the advert, placed in the upper right hand corner. Burger Kind Food makes one see the logic behind the woman and the sandwich through the use of the above text mentioned as an example (Rosenwasser, & Stephen, 2012). It is logical since this is a new product placed in a recent advert hence the statement, â€Å"IT JUST TASTE BETTER†. Character (Ethos) The author of the advert, Burger King Food, tries to appeal to ethos through the picture of the woman used in the advert and the words which may elicit different emotions such as desire, love or some sexually relate emotions (Rosenwasser, & Stephen, 2012). The author displays the side view of the woman with red lipstick and an open mouth in addition to words such as â€Å"Just tastes better† and â€Å"It’ll blow your mind away†. In this advert, the image of the sandwich is directed towards the mouth of the young lady who is displayed, which the author of the advert uses to elicit emotions and feelings of wanting to have the exact same sandwich as the one in the advert. Emotion (Pathos) The author has used the side view of the woman with red lipstick and a wide open mouth. This brings the feeling of desire for food, especially sandwich, since it arouses the emotion of desire to try out the sandwich (Rosenwasser, & Stephen, 2012). Through the use of the picture of a woman with an open mouth and a sandwich heading inside the mouth with red lipstick in addition to the use of the words such as â€Å"IT’LL BLOW YOUR MIND AWAY†, evokes may evoke or give the impression of sexual feelings. Furthermore, in the fine print of the advert it states that, â€Å"Fill your desire for something long† in addition to the title â€Å"BK SUPER SEVEN INCHER†. This arouses the feelings and makes one to believe that the advert is more of a sexual advert than just a simple commercial advert that is intended to promote the sandwich (Petley, 2003). Conclusion From the analysis of the advert, I was able to make a concluding finding on this advert as one that has led me to believe that it is in fact a sexual advert. Based on the context of the texts that have been used in the advert as well as the image as shown below, the advert is more sexual oriented and is more inclined towards the male gender who may be the customers to be attracted by the advert. Apart from being an advert that seems to portray a different message than what may have been the intention of the author, it is a captivating advert and quite appealing to the intended audience hence I would say that the advert has achieved its main objective of attracting the audience to make purchase of the new sandwich by Burger King Food. References Petley, J. (2003). Advertising. North Mankato, Minn: Smart Apple Media. Rosenwasser, D., & Stephen, J. (2012). Writing analytically. Boston, MA: Cengage. Source document

Friday, August 16, 2019

Description of Life and Circumstances Essay

The interaction of different people with the country’s criminal justice systems varies significantly, and one of the common factors is that it varies according to ethnicity. Indigenous people tend to have more encounters than the others; and this encounter is always resulting into mixed outcomes. In extreme cases, death is the ultimate destiny for some of the prisoners. For Lloyd Boney, his death in custody became the subject of many inquiries seeking to investigate the many aspects surrounding his arrest, imprisonment, and subsequent death. This paper seeks to evaluate the findings of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody (RCIADIC) report about Lloyd Boney’s death. Being a native, his death in custody served to add weight to the existing belief that indigenous people usually had a rather abstract encounter with the country’s criminal justice system (THE RCIADIC NATIONAL REPORT, 1991). The main aim of the paper is to review five factors that are deemed to have been responsible for Lloyd Boney’s ending up ion custody. Description of Life and Circumstances (Biographical Details) of Lloyd Boney Lloyd Boney’s birth took place in Walgett (THE RCIADIC NATIONAL REPORT, 1991). From his childhood, Lloyd Boney, also called James, seemed to be born with misfortune. A short time after his birth which is only approximated to have been in December 1958 (the Native Aboriginals hardly ever keep records of their birth and most of the births take place at home), his parents parted ways. So Lloyd Boney and his twin sister had to remain under the care of their father when their mother left. But being a seasonal worker, their father could hardly raise the family as required and soon the care of Lloyd Boney and his sister passed on to their aunt. They thus grew up under foster parents although this is generally acceptable in the aboriginal culture. Therefore, his aunt, who had about other fifteen children to care for together with her husband, had to treat Lloyd Boney and his sister as her own children (THE RCIADIC NATIONAL REPORT, 1991). In fact Lloyd Boney referred to her aunt and husband as his parents in accordance with aboriginal cultural requirements. His schooling is not well documented but it is believed that he joined school aged five and studied until around 1974 when he was forced to leave school (THE RCIADIC NATIONAL REPORT, 1991). Throughout this time at school, however, he seemed to have not really learnt a lot because by the time he went into prison he could not read and write well and had to solicit the assistance of others to do this. In 1973, just one year before he left his schooling in the first year of high school, Lloyd Boney faced his first charge of breaking into a house, getting into it and stealing some assets. He was convicted of the offense even though he was represented by an attorney from the Aboriginal Legal Service (THE RCIADIC NATIONAL REPORT, 1991). However, he was released on probation and required to continue schooling and to be well behaved. Lloyd Boney was later to have a record of crime various crimes committed; becoming a common antagonist with the police. In his early adulthood, he was diagnosed with epilepsy, a condition which saw him in and out of hospital very frequently. From this early upbringing, it is clear that a number of factors stand out that must have made Lloyd Boney to find crime unavoidable even as young as fifteen when it is believed he first came into contact with the criminal justice system (THE RCIADIC NATIONAL REPORT, 1991). RCIADIC Explanations for Lloyd Boney’s Pathway to Crime or Conflict with the Law The RCIADIC report is rather not very clear as to what especially led the young Lloyd to engage in crime from that early age. However, there are many reasons detailed in the findings of the report. As earlier mentioned, his life in crime was more the result of the poor care he received from the guardians. His uncle being away to work most of the time and his adopted mother being burdened with the care of many other children, Lloyd Boney was rather without the care and supervision he would have needed to grow up as a responsible child and avoid crime. Another issue that is cited as having been responsible for his life in crime was his relationship with one Grace Wilson which faired on sumptuously. The relationship moved from nasty to sour to bitter-sweet and to sweet but it was never a real satisfying one for both parties. Although they managed to live together for a long time, actually until Lloyd died in prison, it was a relationship which contributed to his crime life. This is because he was abusive and constantly found himself on the wrong side of the law for the crime. Grace helped him to indulge in excessive drinking, a factor that played a key role in most of the offences he was convicted of throughout his life. Actually, alcohol consumption is listed separately as having led him into criminal life. He was thought to be a good person until he started drinking and virtually all the offences he was arrested and charged with were committed when he was under the influence of alcohol (Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, 1991). Identification and Analysis of Five Major Factors that Explain Lloyd Boney’s Pathway to Crime or Conflict with the Law From the onset, it is apparent that Lloyd Boney was a victim of his circumstances as opposed to a person who was ready and willfully inclined to engage in crime. Instead, most of his troubles seem to start at the point when his parents separate and is left under the care of foster parents (Daly). The first factor responsible for his venturing into crime eventually, therefore, is his separation from his parents. Although this happened in a different way so to speak, it was a separation all the same. For a long time, many aboriginal children have been forcibly taken away their parents and adopted by foster parents who might be close relations of the first family or who are totally different. With different aims, these separations expose the children to a totally different kind of upbringing which in turn exposes the child to a moral deficiency. For Lloyd Boney, nothing is wrong for as long as he is staying with his parents. And although he was too young to do anything suggestive of crime, it is an undeniable fact that aboriginal parents are the only people who have the most in-depth understanding of the best ways to bring up their children. Try as they may, foster parents – whether aboriginal or non-aboriginal – cannot bring up aboriginal children to be well behaved and responsible for their actions as their own parents can. So although Lloyd Boney is living under the care of his aunt and her husband, he cannot really receive as much attention as he would have received if he was with his own parents (Ross, H. et al. , 1999). Most of the literature is full of cases of aboriginal children being separated from their parents forcibly for purposes of having them changing their way of life. They are adopted by totally different people or are placed in non-aboriginal child welfare societies where they are brought up is segregation and isolation from their parents and communities, their native way of life and their culture. The colonial powers instigated this practice but it is still applicable in certain instances. This has been a major cause of the rather high rates of aboriginal young people who find themselves on the wrong side of the law. The second factor that led Lloyd Boney to a criminal life was the general nature in which aboriginals are treated by law enforcers in contrast to non-aboriginals (Ross, H. et al. , 1999). Having been brought up witnessing the obviously favoritism that was displayed by law enforcement agencies, Lloyd Boney had no qualms that whatever he did he would be seen to be on the wrong anyway. He grew up knowing and witnessing the injustices meted on those of his own ethnicity and might have subconsciously made up his mind to rebel against anything that the non-aboriginals stood for. Theory proves it that when one is opposed to a certain personality, one moves to oppose and reject all that that personality or institution stands for. So Lloyd Boney must have become opposed to the entire law of the land because it was oppressive. So he hated the law and wanted to do all that was contrary the law not because he wished but he saw it as a way to pay back for there wrongs committed by the law and its enforcers against his own people. He also rejected school because he knew formal education was not an aboriginal thing but that of whites. The literature brings the issue of discrimination based on race into context by citing different cases that depict it. In not a few of the cases, even the law enforcers themselves admit that they are rather discriminative (Australian Human Rights Commission, 2007). They have been conditioned to believe that only black aboriginal people can do what is right. A case is cited of a group of white and aboriginal young schoolboys who are found to be drunk in the streets yet the police arrest only the aboriginal boys and leave the whites. Questioned about their actions, they claim that the white children are not aware of there being a law prohibiting getting drunk for the young. This illustrates high levels of discrimination in the legal system. The third factor that prompted Lloyd Boney become a person opposed to the law is racism. Racial discrimination is rife in this country. Every aboriginal or non- white is treated very differently by the other races not for any other reason but just because the color of one’s skin is different – black. Black is almost associated with evil and white with good. Racism has infiltrated the legal system, worsening the already frosty relationship that the aboriginal youth have with the law enforcers (Ross, H. et al. , 1999). Apart from the incident cited earlier of police picking black offenders from a mixed group of students and leaving behind the whites, many other incidents of racially motivated arrests have been reported. This has moved on to prisons where the treatment of inmates is racially motivated. This alone has made native aboriginals to dislike the police force in this country and rather than viewing them as good people doing a good job view them as enemies out to finish them. They, therefore, keep rebelling against the law (HREOC, 1997). For Lloyd Boney, this factor made him to go in and out of jail many times. He was almost always aware that the police would look for faults in him just for his being an aborigine. If this had not been the case, it is likely that he would have changed his behavior when he was first convicted of breaking in and stealing. But because it became apparent that police were watching him alone he resented the idea of ever reforming. To him, it was no use being good to the police officers when they had already labeled him and his people as bad and as a criminal. Whenever anything wrong happened it was the aborigines who were asked to explain first what they knew. The fourth factor is alcoholism (Australian Human Rights Commission, 2003). It has been established that alcohol serves as a great contributor to criminal tendencies mainly because once one is under the influence of alcohol one is unable to make sound decisions ad judgments. For Lloyd Boney, his drinking habit kept him in a trap where he virtually could not avoid crime. All offences committed by him were committed when he was und rte influence or when he wanted to get drunk (Daly). His being addicted to alcohol literally led him to commit crime, starting from domestic violence and moving on to others like driving under the influence, violating the terms of his probation, and resisting arrest. In the literature, it is found that alcohol consumption is a common practice among aboriginal communities and this could partly explain why most of them engage in crime. Finally, Lloyd Boney’s pathway to crime can be explained by social and economic factors. The natives of this country are people who are grossly deprived of even the most basic of needs there ever can be. This is in spite of the ability to lead very simple lifestyles and to survive on very little (Atkinson, 19I4). This depravity is sometimes very severe that people are compelled to commit crimes to get something to sustain themselves. Lloyd Boney constantly stole because he did not have a job so he could work and earn. Yet he had needs to meet daily. Earlier in life, he had a family which was so deprived that he had to look for was to survive. Growing up in a family of more than seventeen people al depending on one person is not an easy thing. For him, if he had the social support he required and if the resources were sufficient he most likely would not have ventured into crime (Ross, H. et al. , 1999). Reflection on Analysis Lloyd Boney is a person whose criminal life is largely the result of the conditions where he grew up as opposed of what might been in his own making (Report of the Inquiry into the Death of LLOYD JAMES BONE, 1998). This is because he is not recorded as having had any really bad habits until he was in school where he committed his first offence. What made him to go into crime are f actors that are surprisingly covered in available literature. He is a person who understands that the police in his country are racist, that the legal system itself is skewed to favor non-aboriginals, and that regardless of what has to do one is likely to find oneself on the wrong side of the law as long as one is aboriginal. From the literature, factors listed as making aboriginals to be the more likely people to find themselves on the wrong side of the law include the social and economic situation they finds themselves in, the nature of the country’s criminal justice system which is not at al fair, the cultural settings under which aboriginal children grow, and the separation of aboriginal children from their parents so they can be forced to change their characters and culture. The others are alcohol consumption which is a practice rife among aboriginal communities, peer pressure that young aboriginals experience, and the country’s racial tendencies which favor whites against aboriginals. In this entire issue of Lloyd Boney, these factors interplay from his birth to the time of his death in prison. What is evident is that he went in prison for no real seriously crime. If he had been economically capable, he probably would not have ended up in prison as indicated by the mild nature of his charges. On this basis, it is critical that such issues are considered together with the recommendations made to by the RCIADIC commission so that not only the deaths of aboriginals while in prison are reduced but their rate of committing crime is also lowered. Word count: 2,566 References Atkinson, J. (19I4). â€Å"A nation is not conquered. † Domestic violence and incest resource center Australian Human Rights Commission (2007). Bringing them home Community Guide. Australian Human Rights Commission Australian Human Rights Commission (2003). Social Justice Report 2003. Australian Human Rights Commission Australia, Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, Report of the Inquiry into the Death of LLOYD JAMES BONEY (1998) Daly, K. Government policies of protection-segregation and assimilation and their impact on Indigenous people. Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC) (1997). Bringing them Home – Community Guide. Sydney, NSW: Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Memmott, P. et al. (2001). Violence in Indigenous Communities, â€Å"Causes of violence THE RCIADIC NATIONAL REPORT (1991). â€Å"The Reasons for Offending. † Ross, H. et al. (1999). ‘Risk and Resilience: Crime and Violence Prevention in Aboriginal Communities. ’ THE AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF CRIMINOLOGY, VOLUME 32 NUMBER 2 1999 PP. 182-196 Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody (1991) National Report, Vol. 2. Canberra, ACT: Australian Government Publishing Service.